Affiliate Program

ValiantMarkets brings together the most cutting-edge technology and to provide professional services to many years in the financial market experience for customers in more than 100 countries. We provide a variety of underlying assets (including: FOREX), account management and technical analysis and whenever and wherever possible, investors may be 24 hours in financial markets.

ValiantMarkets offers a perfect platform and financial services for international investors, utilizing advanced technology and professional services to provide competitive global financial investment products. We always strive to be at the forefront of the development of financial services and financial security to meet the various needs of investors.

If you are interested in joining our project, please submit your information to contact us with your.

  • Apply for links, to become ValiantMarkets’s IB.
  • Apply for the corporation of FOREX trading platform. ValiantMarkets can provide you the best FOREX technology.
  • Apply to become an ValiantMarkets regional agency, for example: Taiwan, Hong Kong, American or Japan.

Please leave your contact details and email us:  [email protected] .We will contact you as soon as possible.

Become an IB

If you have the intention to become our IB, please submit your information to contact us.

  • Submit your contact details and area.
  • Submit your promotion plan and marketing plan.
  • Contact us through email address.

We will contact you as soon as possible.

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